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Festival de Marseille

Studio workshop with Diana Niepce

The Knowing body


The dancer and choreographer has made her reconstruction into a creative force. For this workshop she proposes thinking about the body from the inside, opening up its possibilities and re-writing it, taking into account changes that redefine its identity and making it into a manifesto, “The Knowing body”.

Practical information

A workshop open to all, whether disabled or not. 

+ info and registration : 04 91 99 00 27 or

Bar and restauration on place

Where ?
Friche la Belle de Mai

 Carsharing available here from June 3rd

Entrée 1 : 41, rue Jobin, 3e
Entrée 2 : 12, rue François-Simon, 3e

tel. 04 95 04 95 95 

 Métro - 1, 2 arrêt Saint-Charles 

Tram - 2 arrêt Longchamp 

 Bus - 49, 56 arrêt Belle de Mai 

Bus de nuit - 582 arrêt Belle de Mai La Friche

 Vélo station Friche Belle de Mai, parking à vélo dans la Friche

Parking - Parking Le Champ de Mai


free admission, with registration

Edition 2024 workshops

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